Index finger line is one of intuition. I come from a long line of healers dating back to the 1300s in Ireland. Being a starseed from the Orion Group I feel that it is my duty to write about how this civilization's galactic history, how it affects Earth, and why Orion based consciousness are still coming to . I know for a fact, Im changing. I didnt start exploring my witchiness Until the last four or five years and I notice more things constantly-I wish I had paid attention when I was younger. Love A Challenge. This alien soul group has a special energy and focus on intuition unlike any other, as well as an ability to connect to powerful spiritual planes beyond what is normally accessed. Im about the same area you described. The rare combination of cosmic energy and physical matter experienced by this type of Soul serves as a bridge between the seen and unseen worlds that no one else can duplicate. The auras are named according to their colors . They love solving puzzles: if you give an Orion a puzzle or problem they cant solve right away, chances are theyll be up all night with their brain working overtime trying to figure it out! Do you think about things from a deeper perspective? Orion starseeds have the following traits or characteristics: - indigo, violet or blue aura, a stronger psychic ability to sense, feel and perceive others emotions, vibrations and energies + telepathy .. they may also see things in their dreams. Whatever the case, youre just a click away from getting unstuck with tailor-made advice from a kind, empathetic, helpful psychic. Thanks a lot. Recently I discovered that idea of starseeds and found out many of my traits fit with what an Orion starseed would tend to have. ALSO READ: Shooting Star Symbolism: What the Magical Sight Means in Your Life. (And no Im not a saint, we all have our faults) I have a guardian angel (as Ive called it) that gives me a warning when Im in trouble/danger and its never wrong. I have recorded a detailed video on the exact steps I took to find out my starseed origins here: What is a Starseed? - Souls Space Its not by accident that the Orion Starseeds find themselves on Earth. Im an 11:11 or 1:11 ~ Master Number. This trait is closely connected to the one above. I also have healer ect all on palm. Sometimes, or most of the time or often or usually or most of them or a lot or many or all or some or not necessarily or never or rarely, they look like angels. They bring an acute awareness about the ancient mysteries and wisdom of the stars to Earth, as well as a strong connection to the spiritual realm that allows them to aid in universal harmony. But, unfortunately, an Orion Starseed cant understand why some people lag while others do so well. If you would like to interpret your own chart receive a copy of my new eBook The Starseeds Compass: A Guide to Identifying Your Souls Origin here! If you want custom dream interpretation or specific advice on your situation, speaking to someone with special intuitive gifts can be very helpful. White crosses on my back that burn and Red Cross on back of my neck. Reading a birth chart is a learned art. Starseeds are individuals with a deep cosmic connection, but the Orion starseed stands out among the rest. I also have a mole on both forearms that line up perfectly when I put them together. Do you sometimes pause in what you are doing to wonder whether you are a Starseed? But i dont know what kind I came from. It maps the journey of the planet around the sun. Just curious if anyone else have had similar experience before. My mom called me a little witch my whole life.. These individuals dont appreciate emotional expressions because they cant analyze them logically. We recommend looking at your palms for an easier way to detect your magical abilities and past lives. They tend to be incredibly loving, so much so in . This guide is for you! As Starseeds, those born under the constellation of Orion have a special purpose. These individuals are highly focused when pursuing important matters. They are keen not to mix work issues with family matters. Anyone have some insight. Third Book of Orion Council Channelings through Krista Raisa | Check out 'Return of Orion Council' on Indiegogo. The right wrist has what appears to be a sorcerer (?) Had partners who needed my passion and warmth to grow I did that with an obituary pic one time and it was probably the worse things I ever felt in my life. Be aware some moles and birthmarks may indicate a skin problem like skin cancer. Still, I continue to search and learn as I also always will believe there is more to learn. Yes. Click here to get started. They have been there for as long as i can remember. Thousands of people find clarity every month by talking to psychic readers. I think Im a Orion or pleidian maybe atlantien In addition, Orion Starseeds have unique markings on their skin that identify their uniqueness. Stick to what brings us good joy, high vibes and strong positive energy then hey man! Where they can connect with the source and listen + hear and watch or feel or intuit or perceive or know or sense or experience or observe or notice or watch the ethereal energies and beings and other entities which exist on another dimension or frequency.. Orion starseeds are highly empathic, spiritual, psychic, intuitive + creative. These natives do very well in bringing their visions to life. As a birthplace for our cavitation, Starseed represents knowledge and wisdom essential in human . If you would like to interpret your own chart receive a copy of my new eBook The Starseeds Compass: A Guide to Identifying Your Souls Origin here, Connect with the Pleiades During the Pleiadian Alignment, How To Connect With Your ET Spirit Guides, Connect with the Pleiades During the Pleiadian Alignment - The Starseeds Compass. This denies them the chance to engage emotionally with others. This video is on Starseed Origins: How to find YOUR Starseed Origin with Bridget Nielsen. Heres a look at some common lunar, Are you interested in what is a Hedge Witch Is? I have all the things, every single one. Other children, known as starseeds, are believed to have had incarnations on other planets. Any alignments with them will indicate a recent incarnation. A Mintaka Starseed story. Its easy to spot an Orion Starseed because they are full of wisdom and knowledge. Kindly help me know my starseed. Starseeds, also known as star people, are highly intelligent souls whose origin lies outside of the Earth plane. They seek understanding through science and research. Just wanting confirmation it was received or Ill stop payment thanks. You are here to inspire the people you encounter to project the best versions of themselves. Ive come to realize I am a Starseed. The term starseed can also describe someone who has evolved and come to Earths surface in order for them to fulfill their mission of experiencing life on earth with all its joys, sorrows, lessons and growth opportunities.Starseeds may have memories of what it was like being up there, says Dr. Eric Pearl I call these people Sky Adults. Orion starseeds use their mind to create things and manifest. As such, they make incredible champions of change in our world today. Why would you cry, for example, when you are overjoyed? If you have, what should you do now? Orion starseeds are human and not human at the same time. Hi John! I want to go home this is not home and till this day I have the same feeling, I have no birthmarks at all but over the past years there have been moles forming on my arm, with every ew one it gets closer to the starsign draco. Others claimed scars or scratches on the body were a sign the devil had marked his territory. Experiencing feelings of not belonging here on Earth is a strong indicator of Starseed markings. Orions are master manifestors. Im a level 2 reiki practioner, a medium, channel and read tarot and angel cards. They have a high sense of balance and note things others dont. Orion Starseed love can be somewhat aloof, preferring to spend time alone rather than with others . Please I would love hear more. Very young hands women like and small but strong Identification ofPleiadian influences at the time of our birth can doneby analysing birth charts and looking for specific starseed markings. The Orion system is an important part of stellar evolution studies as it contains many young stars that are still in the process of forming. And they can be red, dark brown, or even an extra nipple. Starseeds are extraordinary people whose presence here on Earth in these times of ascension. (15 Ways to Know for Sure), 17 Signs the Universe Wants You to Be with Someone. I have everyone as well Im only 23 and my hands look crazy I have so many lines! Theyre always coming up with something to do, even if they dont know what it is yet! She is a clairvoyant healer and does spiritual and holistic counseling. I have strange knowings and paintings often morph into real life events. Return of Orion Council | Indiegogo My left wrist has a definite star, and what appears to be an angel holding it above their head. You solve your problems differently from the norm. They are named for the Seven Sisters of Greek mythology: Electra, Maia, Taygeta, Sterope, Merope, Alcyone, and Celaeno. Being an Orion means that you are a seeker of truth and knowledge. Star systems have personality traits that are important in understanding yourself. They can do very well in a competitive business environment. No one can determine what your birthmarks and moles mean or if they are the witches mark or not. Kepler has or had an ancient creator race that I think might be superior to many and also designed many races in our heavens, including humans. the sound of the ocean heals and relaxes you. As you would expect, Orion starseeds originate in the Orion constellation. Orion people are usually highly sensitive to their environment and can pick up on energies around them. We help lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. Im a big advocate for the planet and what is being done to her and what we need to do to stop it! It is scary at times. Click here for my eBook that describes starseed markings for 12 stars and star systems! Maybe i can embrace it and put it to good use. Am I witch and what kind ? This was honestly one of the most interesting articles I have ever read. These individuals are rich in unique talents and skills in great demand in our world. I also have a wine or raspberry birth mark in the back of my neck that goes all the way into my hairline. Some characteristics of these Starseeds include highly logical beings, sensitive, and incredibly smart. Markings on the feet, hands or body are consistent with Orion. Have a beautiful day! While some seek out this symbol just for its aesthetic appeal, the real power lies in understanding its meaning and purpose. . All is by design. When you form your thoughts beyond surface information, youre likely a Starseed. These can be beauty spots or moles that resemble some stars and/or constellations. However, they overcompensate in their knowledge acquisition skills for what they lack in emotions. Ive done stuff, seen even stranger ones, and Im really lost. You deserve answers! So here I am, sharing with you the magic world of symbolism! Hi Kitty, I have a birthmark on the secret part of my nody and the shape is a full star in dark brown color. ALSO READ: What is the spiritual meaning of cats in dreams? You find that you are a good judge of character, and often at first sight. What if we are all a bunch of mutts now? Are you interested in learning how to connect with your ET spirit. They tend to have experiences that challenge science. Learn more, Are you interested in Pleiadian Starseeds? In addition, Orion Starseeds have unique markings on their skin that identify their uniqueness. Absolutely! Starseed Markings Everything You Need To Know, Questions to help you identify abstract Starseed markings,, Best 21 Starseed Books You MUST Read In 2023, Are You A Blue Ray Starseed? Mike, They also indicate past lives in specific countries, for example a birthmark that resembles Australia or South America. A past life reading can start the healing process by helping you understand the root cause of the negative energy that created your birthmark. They also freak out when I ask how they are and they reply Im OK. How are you ? Then I say no. Everyone has a mission and its tied into an individuals passion and when we tap that. You need to understand that theres more to life than acquiring tons of knowledge. Orion Starseeds often have an innate understanding of celestial energies and patterns, as well as a heightened intuition. Andromedan starseeds come from the Andromeda galaxy. They view the world through the medium of the mind more so than emotions, and require to see proof and evidence of something before believing in it. I have a #12 with a t below it on my right inside wrist and my initials on left. Zhonghe lies just south-west of Taipei City and shares borders with Banqiao, Xindian, Tucheng and Yonghe Districts of New Taipei City, as well as Taipei City. Me too! They tend to see the world logically and find it difficult to feel or express emotions very well. ORION STARSEEDS 5 Characteristics | Human Alien Race Some Starseeds find unusual markings on their bodies which are often from past lives.. There is grouping according to star origin, soul age (old and new), aura, etc. This guide is for you! Being an Orion is not a choice its who you are at your core.. This drive and desire to learn, make them formidable forces when theyre able to put their powerful, analytical minds to work. They may also have some sort of contract or agreement with someone who has a lot of karma coming back., Orion starseeds are often drawn towards intense activities such as skydiving, They can be very passionate about something yet not know how to explain why or what makes them like it so much, A common feeling among Orion Starseeds after completing an intensely tasking activity is one of confusion because theres no sense of completion that theyre used to getting from other types tasks.. Happy to hear the article resonated. There are also claims that witches marks are found all over the body on various parts of the skin. The formula is Birthdate (Day/Month/Year) + Birthplace (city) + Birth time (exact time) = Your birth chart. I have many moles and Marks that form triangles,. They can be creative, insightful, intuitive, visionary thinkers. Their main focus on earth is to discover that knowledge is not everything. A few other sort of oddities, I am an INFJ personality, apparently a super empath, been told I should find a Shaman teacher, and have successfully used energy healing five times. Due to the intense energy this star system produces, many starseeds struggle to adjust to life on Earth and feel disoriented or overwhelmed. Scorpio Sun Stargazing is also a favorite pastime of Orion starseeds, as a fascination with stars and galaxies is deeply rooted in their soul. Starseed Eyes, Face & Body Wouldn't you know people are amazed by accounts of unusal bodily differences with Starseeds, or star people, those who incarnate onto earth in a human body but whose souls have originated elsewhere in the universe. Orions are also big fans of music, and are often drawn to careers that involve playing an instrument or singing. Their eyes are red or black or brown or blue or violet or grey or multicolor or metallic or multidimensional and their hair is silky, smooth and long+ straight + shiny.. Orion starseeds look much younger than they are. Orion Starseed people may find it difficult to settle down in one place for long periods of time, as they enjoy variety in their lives and want to see what else is out there. What are we talking about here? Youre likely left behind or relegated to the periphery if you are not competitive enough. People just dont care about this Planet and it hurts me to my core the cruelty is devastating and painful. My thumb is also almost completely covered, Ive always found it very beautiful, peculiar and strange. I have a huge country shape birth mark from my neck end to left shoulder. I also have a strawberry birthmark since birth on my crown of my head right where my soft spot was. Im just beginning to wake up, I feel, and become my True Self as my 9 year old daughter says. Instead, the Orion Constellation comprises circles where competition is the norm.
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