Wright and being stationed at Byrnsides Fort, under Capt. By mid-April, Washington recognized the difficulties Brodhead and his men faced. Michael Swopes father was perhaps the first permanant settler in what is now Monroe County, West Virginia, and was likely the first white child born in Monroe County, in 1753 the second probably being John Byrnside in 1763. The 13th Virginia was commanded byCol. Served the above six months a private as above. Patterson mentions fleeing Hamiltons fort at one point to Keeneys Fort because it was better fortified. It was also at McAfees Station in Kentucky where Capt. The circumstances that brought a second tour of service, were as follows (towit) in the fall of the year 1780 I engaged in the company of Capt. October 24, 1776 put in the "Continental establishment" in Captain Marshall's Company in the 13th PA regiment commanded by Col. Walter Stewart. [H]e recollects of no other injury received by the American Army in the aforesaid skirmish. They had other offensive plans, to take the war to the Indians. Gen. Peter Muhlenberg: September 14, 1778: redesignated the 9th Virginia: . the United States, and research and development projects to bring historical records to the [T]hat he was generally out from three to four days in each week, and sometimes longer if the danger or the intelligence from the Indians seemed to require it and some times when they saw signs of the Indians they would fligh [sic, fly?] That he entered the service of the United States about the first of March in the year 1778 as a drafted militia man in Captain Thomas Wrights Company of the County of Greenbrier State of Virginia to serve a tower [tour] of three months which tower he served, some few days after he joined the said Wrights Company the said company marched to New River in the State aforesaid where his Company was attached to Colonel James Hendersons Regiment. And as for Crawford, he would be burned at the stake in 1782. Archives Division Publication date 1913 Topics Virginia. I know versions of his diary exist elsewhere, but the war time entries can be found, Thank you for sharing that, Adam. Then were marched through to the wilderness to Colonel Benjamin Logans Station (1 mi W of Stanford Courthouse) in Kentucky for the purpose of joining the troops commanded by General George R. Clark [George Rogers Clark] on an expedition against the Indians in the N.W. 3 companies under Major Hamilton, includeing mine went to Chissels Mountain [sic] and from there towards Kentucky a part of the men indeed almost all of them went on to Kentucky. They had marched [26 Jun 1778] some considerable time before we arived at said station. Colonel Richard Campbell, and Major Richard Taylor. modern editorial content, are copyright The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789. Sullivan settled out west after the war. Byrnsides Fort Open House and the Farmers Day Parade 2022, Confederate Civil War Camp Found Near Union, WV, Fort Pitt During the Revolutionary War: General Brodheads Expedition, Finding Crawfords Burn Site article, 1985, Pension Application of George Dixon S16764, To Thomas Jefferson from the Officers of the Greenbrier County Militia, John Kincaids Rev War Narrative, Frontier Forts, Lead Mines, Scandal, and Forensic Pathology, James Christy of Byrnsides Fort: Indian Spy and Frontier Minister, Tub Mills on the 18th Century Virginia Frontier, Fire Strikers, a.k.a., Strike-a-Lites in the American fur trade. That was 1778, so he confused his dates. The Diaries of George Washington. we [illegible word] turn out all together and work [each] others corn and potatoe patches in turn whilst we were at work, one or two would be detailed to keep a look out for the Indians and in this way we worked and watched in turn we always selected some one among us as a sort of leader or Captain. The 13th Virginia Regiment was authorized on 16 September 1776 by the Continental Congress for service with the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Among them were, James Alton, Swift Perry, and Edward Cornwell, all now dead; William Bushor, who moved to Kentucky, and James and JohnOHaraand Thomas Alterberry, whom he knows nothing of. Ligonier, a town and township about thirty miles southeast of Fort Pitt in Westmoreland County, Pa., was the site of a British fort between 1758 and 1765. Thomas Jefferson, the Governor of Virginia, wrote to William Campbell (who had been placed as commander of the three joint county militias in that area) on July 3, 1780, to change his plans from going on an expedition, to instead protect the Lead Mines at Fort Chiswell, as they were a higher priority. John Gibson(previously Col. William Russel). preserve, publish, and encourage the use of documentary sources, relating to the history of Early life . In September 1778 Gibson attended a conference at which the first U.S. treaty of alliance was signed, with the Delaware Indians. 13th Virginia Infantry Regiment - The Civil War in the East we got behind the army and returned home cant tell why we done so we did not desert some that went on to Kentucky got back home as soon as we did I think I was at least three months gone in this expedition. There destroyed the Indian Towns, destroyed their (the Indians) Corn and other property. Records Commission. Mr. Griffin, by now an elderly man, half a century after-the-fact, recollects that he joined the military in 1777 and joined up at Byrnsides Fort itself, which is pretty cool. James O'Hara's Company of Regulars, was a messenger for General Irvine; he later served as a Captain in the Allegheny County Militia and was a noted scout and Indian fighter with Samuel Brady[1]. old the 2ndday of November next in the year 1773 I settled with my Father on Muddy creek Greenbrier county and have lived there ever since. Molly Pitcher Research Papers - 890 Words | Internet Public Library 10th Virginia Regiment | Military Wiki | Fandom I then volunteered in the company of Captain Andrew Kinkade [Andrew Kincaid] Lieutenant James Calwell [James Caldwell] at Whitleys Station [on Walnut Flat Creek in Lincoln County] in Kentucky in the month of November 1780, in the Regiment or Battallion commanded, by Colonel Benjamin Logan, marched from thence to the Ohio river, crossed the same at the mouth of Licking, from thence we marched to the Old Chilicothe Indian Towns, thence to the head of the Miami. Wright, which we know took place at Byrnsides Fort, who was then sent to Fort Chiswell, and then on to Kentucky: Living in Monroe County, West Virginia on Sept. 17, 1832. 13th Virginia: Brig. Inthe Library of Congress, Manuscript Division,inWashington, D.C., there are several muster rolls of the Thirteenth Virginia and the Eighth Pennsylvania Regiments, as well as that of a Virginia militia company, all of which served at Fort Pitt and accompanied . View, Print & Share. That he enlisted for Eighteen months that he served out his time and was discharged at Buckades (Bouquets, I believe) Old fort on the Muskingham River . Research genealogy for James Reed "Revolutionary War - Capt. Likewise, the Indians were somewhat divided in their loyalties, with the Delawares and Cherokee loosely hanging onto the Americans, and the Shawnee, and others, openly and actively engaging in warfare against the American settlers. Service started: Unit (s): Service ended: James O'Neall was born in 1738, the son of Hugh and Anne (Cox) O'Neall. Mar 11, 2023 1790 Early Slave Bill of Sale (Virginia) $500. Interrogatory 1. That in the year 1781 he again entered the service on the 1stday of Aprile and continued in service until the 1stof November following. He was concerned, however, that doing so might set an uncomfortable precedent, and he complained to Horatio Gates on 9 Mar. That before he entered the service as a spy he took the Oath of Fidelity and the Oath to perform the duties of a Spy That he went into service as a spy on the first day of May 1776 and was discharged on the first of November following, having continued in service six months and until that season of the year arrived when the fear of Indian depredation no longer existed, they having as was their general custom retired to winter quarters. Millers March, from the number of men who were on Commands, at the Small pox Hospital, & Employed as Artificers, we coud hardly mount a Serjts Guard. whilst the war of the Revolution was going on, my Fathers family includeing myself and many others, were forted during the summer season & in the winter we would return to our Cabbins. Field officers at Valley Forge were Colonel William Russell, Colonel George Gibson, Lt. This narrative was previously known, and has been often cited as being a good description of the details surrounding service as an Indian Spy, a militia ranger tasked with being the early warning system of an Indian attack, as well as being the quick reaction force in the event of an emergency. 2. Brodhead and his troops returned to Fort Pitt on Sept. 14, 1779. Black-owned restaurants in Pensacola: Over 20 restaurants, bars to During the Revolutionary War, . Nations & Cannons - Quickstart Guide | PDF | Slavery | Muscogee We shall continue to use all means to have the Militia ready as speedily as Possible, shoud you think it improper to grant our request. John Page (Virginia politician) - Wikipedia The mission ended up getting canceled and repurposed. Uniforms of the American Revolution. . List of the revolutionary soldiers of Virginia. Special report of the Their party suffered only slight wounds., After the Battle of Thompson Island, Brodheads troops proceeded to Conewago, where they found abandoned Seneca towns. 1862. That again on the first of May 1779 he valentered and served under the said Capt Hamilton untill the first of Sept. of the same year that he was stationed in Hamiltons Garrison and nothing occured this season worthy of notice that he frequently as was usual went out by turns to watch the paths that was thought most likely that Indians would attampt to pass through, That on the first of April in the year 1780 he entered the servis under Capt Hamilton and served untill the first of September of the same year and was stationed as before in Hamiltons Garrison that he recollects in the Spring of this year of going in company with William Morris Thos. The 13th Regiment was formed in February 1777 at Fort Pitt. 40 miles from Fort Pitt; affidavit in file age 67 in Pendleton Couinty, virginia 1813 when disabled from Revolutionary War wounds; William Marteney filed That in the early part of the year 1776 he commened the service of his Country as an Indian Spy under the Command of Captain Wright and was Stationed in Burnsides Fort. That again in the spring of 1782 on the first of April he volunteered and served on spying parties and in Hamilons [sic] Garrison untill the first of October under the command of the said Capt William Hamilton That he recollects in this year that he went on a spying campaign in company with Lenard Cooper John Shoemate Jesse and John Aursbourn[?] That he does not reccollect that any thing of importance took place in the immediate neighborhood of the Fort but that the Indians were constantly prowling about through the Country and committing murders and depradations on the persons and property of the frontier setters insomuch that the people were kept in constant alarm, That in the year 1778 he again entered the Service of his Country in Burnsides Fort on the 1stday of May and continued in Service until the 1stday of November following that he was commanded this year as before by the aforesaid Captain Wright. Theyre the best documentation we have on life and service on the Virginia frontier. Travelled to a place near the Crab Orchard [in Lincoln County KY], we encamped at night. I do not recollect the name of the Regiment I belonged to and the following officers are all that I recollect being in this Expedition General (Andrew) Lewis of Virginia. That he moved from the Eastern part of Augusta County in the year 1774 to Turkey Creek a tributary stream of Indian Creek now in the County of Monroe then he thinks called West Augusta and better known by the name of the Greenbriar [sic: Greenbrier] Country. He was concerned, however, that doing so might set an uncomfortable precedent, and he complained to Horatio Gates on 9 Mar. While at Fort Pitt he was sent out on a campaign under the command of Col Gibson and Crawford. Additional regiments were raised, and then many were transferred to the emerging "national" Continental army - where they served outside of the new . In a strategic attempt to divert the enemys attention from these campaigns, Washington requested that Brodhead resume his expedition along the Allegheny. He aided in retaking eleven American prisoners from the Indians after killing two Indians in the engagement. Harris. On 24 May 1778 the unit was assigned to the Western Department {Fort Laurens}, and on 12 May 1779 it was reorganized and redesignated as the 9th Virginia Regiment. About the year 1779 or 1780 as I think I volunteered under Captain Thomas Wright of Greenbrier County in the State of Virginia in which County I still lived with a body of Militia ordered out by the authority of Virginia.