Because there is a -- there is somebody that commented on this. The Glenn Beck Program - TheBlaze On February 7th, the pentagon notified Congress that China now has more ICBMs than we do.John F. Kennedy in 1962, the only way we're safe is if we're bigger and stronger than everyone else.This is what happens, when American power is diminished. Our government is complicit in the trafficking of the drugs. That was the latest story. And not even intentional.But there's a lot of fighting going on around there. Aired October 12, 2007 - 19:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. So the president is -- is over now, and he's in Ukraine.And, wow. Just cut it down.STU: Economy of words.GLENN: Okay? All these things have happened with the exception of planes, and now we have Republicans saying, we should be sending the planes. Were you for that?Are you for this gas stove thing?No matter what they say, that is true. We're going to pray on you.And so the whole congregation comes around, and they put their hands. Now, think. BECK: Today was a big day . In this clip, Glenn demonstrates how signs TODAY show we are following the same pattern that eventually resulted in World War I. And it is so satisfying. In a Republican House.And they are a long way from getting anybody to sign on. fascinator trends 2021; wild wonderful off grid 1 to 50 He -- he believes admission is important. Holds Soviet air stuff. glenn beck today show transcript. So people come in, and your private security, cannot touch or stop anyone.You can only report it to the police. Memory is a great organization, that translates all of the stuff on Saudi Arabian, Qatar, and all Arabic-speaking channels. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard. We'll give up the areas we've taken over.Such a thing would lead to a domestic explosion, and Russia would find itself in a Civil War.Russia cannot lose under any circumstance, since a single step backward, would lead to a thousand steps backwards.Russia will fight to the end, because we simply cannot stop. They don't just come on the internet.STU: Now, look, was there a meet and greet level here? Glenn is back on TV! Elton John. The Glenn Beck Podcast Play all Glenn Beck sits down with notable guests both for their accomplishments and experience to discuss big ideas, inspiring stories and the origins of the. They forfeited the game. You know, if there was like a -- I don't know. Do you remember in Ukraine, where this nuclear complex came under Russian control for a while?And everybody was worried that they were going to destabilize it, and use it. In fact, gave him a list of critical infrastructure targets that must never be attacked.Of those 16 critical infrastructure sectors, there is public health, emergency services, and energy.Quote, I gave him a list. But you're not like that.I mean, I know you've had instances where --GLENN: Yeah. Sixteen defined as critical infrastructure under US policy from energy to water systems.Of course, the principle is the one thing. The G.O.P. I'm sorry.There's got to be another answer. That's not the objective. And he goes through the whole segment.And he actually stops the song in the middle of it. Churches, gyms, were shuttered, abortion clinics, Walmarts were deemed essential. That's going away.We've had people who wanted to work and innovate. However, there are now four countries, all aligned against America and against the West. So whatever topic is on your mind. But he's lasted this long. And let you actually decide. There was none available at the time, when I looked. He's telling Saudi Arabian viewers. So wait. It is a private Q and A, exclusively only for Blaze TV subscribers.And the reason why we do it, only for Blaze TV subscribers, is because I don't want -- I -- it's not for public consumption.It's for us. Relief sleep does. And he looks up, and he does -- he looks at me for like half a second.And then he goes right to Tania, like, come on over here, and sit on B.B. In fact, Senator Hawley, used Shogan's tweets, PROVED before the committee that she was lying to them all UNDER OATH! ziegenfelder popsicles; best college marching bands in north carolina; halimbawa ng positibo at negatibong pahayag. So who do we have? Get Jerry's, you know, pros and cons.And get Biggs' pros and cons. So was it England that did it?And we didn't know anything about it?Who did it?Who did it?And why would you do it?This -- these questions have got to be answered right now!We are marching toward war! Now, let's talk about your Twitter post.On February 18th, 2022, you posted bemoaning the fact that mask requirements for children, under the age of five, one of whom I happen to have by the way, has been dropped. I love B.B. As you drift away at night, you'll wake up in the morning, refreshed. Because the ones we had were pretty disturbing. How dare you say that the border is a mess. People can't live like that.It's very -- it's destructive to our health, and our country.We can't live like this. Because we're stable.But we're unstable now. Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Why are you here?Who sent you here?He said, they found out that they were -- later, they were connected to two robberies from convenience stores. But if the West did not decide to fight us, we would be supplying it with cheap oil and gas.This is apocalyptic kind of language, coming from one of the -- guy who has been described as Putin's brain. And that's the final straw, for Putin. And you want to be the archives of the United States. We have always been blessed. It just happened on the 23rd, and I just got the translation for it. So far, there's no indication, that the two attacks are connected.However, the cyber hostage taking ransomeware, that often strong arms institutions into making hefty ransom payments to regain access to their computer systems, is now a fact of life for US corporations and the government.Last week, the Department of Health and Human Services warned that Russians and Russian-linked ransomeware groups like Clop had reportedly taken responsibility for a mass attack on more than 130 organizations, including the health care industry.Okay. Because you've loved Weird Al for a very long time. What's the cause of that problem? People were canceled for that. But usually, that's the way it plays out.GLENN: Right. Not down.And you talk about children being taken away from their parents! It's called the open source intelligence monitor. And so the UK, quote, has to be prepared for a nuclear war.No, they don't.No, they don't. All that stuff is out.And we are going -- we are worshiping, literally, I believe, doing ancient Moloch rituals in our lives.Evil thinks it's winning. But to get your -- you would have paid for a meet and greet. The Glenn Beck Podcast - YouTube Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. One of its original investors was the CIA, only?They also are the cloud for our Pentagon and everything else.And where is -- where are our doctors going?The American College of OB-GYN. What do you mean, it is not going to happen? Okay.So we're doing that. But when she faced the Senate Homeland Security and Governmenting Affairs Committee earlier this week, Senator Josh Hawley proved the opposite may be true. I liked you when I was on the air, when I was a kid. Theyre only concerned about their own power, he explains, and theyll shut down anyone who disagrees. October 15, 2008 I want to follow up on one of them. All of this stuff.I'm having the best year of my career.And that is saying something. I asked you, would you give all public posts, that you had made on Twitter. Too Many Seniors Ignore This Condition 2,267 Urologist: Most Men With An Enlarged Prostate Do Not Know About This Simple Solution 511 114,041 If Governor Ron DeSantis ran against Biden in 2024, who would you vote for? Is that both sides have arguments that you can see from their perspective. Relief Factor sleep is 100 percent drug-free.I have -- I have never taken a sleep product, where you don't feel it the next day.I've had -- what the? The Rick & Bubba Show with Rick Burgess and Bill "Bubba" Bussey are heard and seen by over 3.5 million people every day on 70+ radio & TV stations across the nation. And you encountered the move of the holy ghost. It doesn't matter.When you listen to what they said over the weekend.This is the foreign minister, from Ukraine. And I still know what's going on, and I know what's about to happen. Yes, I know.I mean, you can look at things like track and field, where you're just literally measuring. We are so with you. So it has no reason to threaten nuclear war. This will bring Russia to its end. Watch Glenn's new two-hour show available live and on-demand Monday through Friday on! If I'm not mistaken, I don't have it in front of me. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. You said no, effectively.And you said, that your Twitter posts consisted of mystery novels, events at the White House Historical Association, Pittsburgh sports teams, and my dog. POLLS / QUIZZES And you're going to get everybody stirred up.And now?You're silenced if you say that's not true.Nine-year-old child taught by Debra Rosenquist, at Terryville Road Elementary School, Long Island, identifies as a girl, but was being called a boy's name and given male pronouns in class. So at what point does Biden fold on that?GLENN: Well, I don't know.Because during this -- during this global security conference in Munich, the Chinese are talking now about giving weapons and ammunition to Russia.And the United States came out, over the weekend, and said, they better not do that.Excuse me?You better not do that. Call your state legislators TODAY and tell them to pass the Fair Access bill. In this clip, Glenn details the latest in the nuclear arms racewhich America seems to be losing. You know, hey, I learned this. He's like, hey, you. I didn't realize that hermaphrodite, apparently, not a term you're supposed to use anymore. We know it. What do I do?So he does, what I don't think anybody else would do. Today President Obama was in the rose garden to . Specifically. Because he's currently doing that. Glenn: It's my duty to WARN YOU about THIS threat to America RADIO Ron DeSantis: How COURAGE made Florida America's red state RADIO WATCH: Biden 'announces' U.S. Keep your store open there in Portland. Why not take four.Anyway.There might be a reason why I'm an alcoholic. This would require state . You say you agree this idea, you have to be a certain age to buy assault weapons in America. Use, and promo code Glenn, and you will save.STU: Right. And says, in totally like a -- you know, Weird Al. The Glenn Beck Program Play Newest Follow Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. or the DNC. Tonight, on the Wednesday night special, I'm talking to real lions on both sides.I have invited Jerry Boykin. No. Steve Deace calls it like it is and stands tall when others are afraid. On February 18th, 2022, you posted on Twitter, bemoaning the dropping of mask requirements for children, including those under the age of five. Remember, when they talked about transgender people. We get all the guys here, just put them in skirts.STU: I don't know how that would -- I mean, that might be something you like, but it's not something that I think would affect the quality of the podcasts.GLENN: No, no, no. A dispatch from inside Glenn Beck's art show - Deseret News Don't lie. September 19, 2011 [GBTV] This is a rushed transcript. And they can't be used.But it is the largest depository of old Soviet bombs, et cetera, et cetera.There is a Twitter account.And I -- I am not claiming this to be true. Because when they got there, they realize that had one member of the Mountain Lions was actually a male. Glenn Beck: Hello America, and welcome to the very first episode and the first day of the future. - Transcripts He's like, uh-huh. Before Woodrow Wilson sent all our boys to war.We have got to wake up. Where are the Democrats that are against war?Did you ask for a war with Russia? Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV. Or to remove or suppress lawful speech. Transcript Providers : Return to Transcripts main page. No.No. We are just starting to do what I think are the work, that this network was born to do.So join us, please. glenn beck today show transcript - Internet. Where is the truth with Fauci, and the Wuhan lab?Where is EcoHealth? It's accuracy cannot be guaranteeing. Because it's racist.How dare you. People's lives. We all knew they were giving -- but if he would have said, you know what, we're with you until the very end.And the very end, we look at this as regime change in Washington. Too many names. They are the best of us. CONTRIBUTOR AUDIENCE CHOICE: Here are 14 'manly films' that YOU recommended! Huge crowds at Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" freedom rally -- organized to give thanks to U.S. troops -- left Washington, D.C., on Saturday night pleased by the theme and the turnout -- an . Well, the Democrats are very upset about this.They say, this is the Putin Protection Act. I'm neither. Then, Glenn details what he believes could be the most imminent threat facing our nation: Cyber attacks against our critical infrastructure. And I don't think any of you are going to be the same.And they all just kind of looked at him. And then there was male/female. The Glenn Beck Program Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. But the police aren't showing up. Some things in life are so perfect. I don't know what his politics are. And half of the teams will just probably forfeit. Beck walks closer to the painting and starts explaining its details. And it has said that the, quote, former military inspector of military defense of Moldova has said the armed forces of some country I've never heard of. And it turns out, that some things that got invented now, can make your sleep even better.It's temperature-regulating thread.Mike Lindell found out about it, and he immediately had to have it in his pillows. We're going to go in there and get it.And there's going to be this constant push to be able to hold those lines.GLENN: And they can have their constant push. It goes on to all of this. I believe that the Muslims understand me well.Because I believe that the West is an Antichrist. It's the MyPillow 2.0. 's lap.STU: That's an opening line right there.GLENN: And I shoved her out of the way, and I sat on his lap, and it was very nice. Even pillow technology. Sorry.One other thing besides the nuclear catastrophe. FBI came out, this is Christopher Ray. Don't take Relief Sleep. But that's not what -- unfortunately, you're not -- actually, fortunately, you're not president.Unfortunately, someone better than the current president is not president. Melatonin, right?It doesn't work for me. I know from experience.Sara is looking at me like, you probably shouldn't take handfuls of it. I shouldn't say that. Cut one.VOICE: There is a short notion of victory.And that's full restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity.GLENN: Okay. Huh.She was putting books into the classroom, that were not in the curriculum, an LGBTQI2. But also the trafficking of humans.The trafficking -- you know, we know Iran has sent terrorists, that we have by chance caught. All Republicans.I mean, just crazy stuff, that she just tweeted out.And so she made her Twitter feed, private, the day before she went to the hearing.And they only had a couple of her tweets. I have never seen a witness stonewall like this before. Loved him since back in the day.GLENN: I believe he's been on the show.STU: You know, we met him once when he was in New York. We will never know.Agents of chaos. I want somebody that nobody even cares to meet. A man in his '40s.STU: Oh, it was the best time of my life. Who knows, you might like it.They transferred the girl to another class. So is your posts on February 18th, 2022, bemoaning the lifting of mask requirements, for children under the age of five. Wait a minute. October 16, 2008 Who Won the Debate? And they're on our border. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. I mean, we are the Ukrainian government.We're over there -- can you imagine, if Brezhnev, would have shown up in Hanoi. It's the worst thing that can happen. Laura Seitz, Deseret News. Really?Because if I told you ten years ago, that they were going to say that men could have babies too, you would have said, how dare you say that. I told you that there was an ammunition storage facility in Moldova. 800-966-3117, and get your MyPillow 2.0 now.Ten-second station ID. 0. And the Chinese said that he was breaking the pot of China, which is an expression for the Chinese of don't bite the hand that feeds you.And they want him to stop drawing attention to the origins. Justice is blind. GLENN: There is a new story that is out from memory. Again, too many names. Oh, my gosh.It was then that the parents believed something wasn't right. GLENN BECK, HOST: Coming up, President Bush addresses the U.N. . I can understand why they would want to do that to win a war. We just started one, a couple of months ago, called off the record. Not only are we sending over tanks, missiles, bullets, guns, we're now paying for their Social Security. MyPillow 2.0.Right now, buy one, get one free for a limited time, if you use the promo code Beck. But then they started breaking down and cracking down on their protesters.And Biden says, he's willing to use force as a last resort. Turnout Strong as Beck Rallies Americans to Restore 'Honor' to the He's definitely a killer.Cold-blooded killer. Hopefully, this debate will be strong enough, that maybe even I would change my mind. Whatever you need. That's fair. If it's a prompting, it's never wrong.But I can't tell which it is. Transcripts | Glenn Beck Transcripts A federal law enforcement agency suffered a serious cyber attack. Thank you for letting us pray for you.We're thankful that for whatever reason, the Lord let you come on in here. It seems like were going to be helping Ukraine indefinitely, and now President Biden has announced were even paying Ukrainian PENSIONS. Why?Because you don't arrest anybody who is stealing. Have Joy. All around the world. Glenn Beck Says Muslim Brotherhood Wants to Declare War on Israel No, no, no, no.Just the lab in Wuhan. The Glenn Beck Program's tracks Best of the Program | Guests: Rep Thomas Massie, Rep. Chris Stewart & Ezra Levant | 2/5/20 by The Glenn Beck Program published on 2020-02-06T06:35:44Z. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. How did they grow up? However, there will be such a threat, if Russia begins to lose. Glenn Beck The ATF is cracking down on stabilizing pistol braces with a new rule that could turn law-abiding Americans into felons. This is according to the FBI.All right. . But I feel time is running short. Please, donate, and help them do their job. You don't have to just think of -- I want to add two more things to this pile. My children have been taken away from me.GLENN: Stop. Those are all the possibilities, and they are becoming more and more likely, because we are looking so incredibly weak.But one that I can tell you, is happening. GLENN: Okay. The Worldwide Services of Blaze Radio Network. We're not going to send missiles. And all of the Republicans have all said, this is out of control. Stream The Glenn Beck Program music - SoundCloud If this is coming from me. We have a moment of, a-ha! It's in Ferguson. And so they withdrew from the tournament, because they said, we believe playing against an opponent with a biological male, jeopardizes the fairness of the game, the safety of our players, and allowing biological males to participate in women and children's sports, sets a bad precedent for the future of women's sports in general.Good for them.STU: I mean, some school eventually is going to be smart enough to just go out there, and recruit a whole team of dudes.And just go out there and just kick everybody's butt. It is an out-and-out lie.I don't accept it. You responded, as follows. They revealed that Rosenquist had not only gone beyond the curriculum, teaching children about transgender. The pandemic, allowed for the creation of an indefinite state of exception. Looked at the congregation. Exactly the same thing.And the people were not for the war. It uses artificial intelligence to destroy the family, sex, and the nature of human beings. But we have expanded our reach, dramatically in the last about three years.And I can't --STU: And our waistlines.GLENN: And our waistlines. - Transcripts 2.55K. Glenn Beck, (born February 10, 1964, Mount Vernon, Washington, U.S.), American conservative political commentator and television and radio personality, perhaps best known for hosting the talk show Glenn Beck (2009-11) on the Fox News Channel (FNC). Some private Nike police. THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. Joe Biden Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV. I don't remember if we brought him on the air or not. They have one thing in common.
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