The seller is required to respond and provide either tracking information, delivery updates, or a refund. I had a return request today for a shirt brand new with tags and the reason for the return request was does not fit. I was surprised they were even allowed to request a return since I specifically specified returns werent accepted. You have the option of entering your reason for declining the request, but it will not be visible to the buyer. Give a full refund:You'll issue a full refund to the buyer, and they'll keep the item. The buyer could have said "I ordered an iPhone and when it arrived a dinosaur fell out of it!" eBay Money Back Guarantee covers most transactions on eBay. If the item is damaged while it's being returned to you, you may be entitled to offer them a reduced refund. I recently sold a dji osmo mobile on eBay, I specified no returns. However, if an item arrives damaged, doesn't match the listing description, or if the buyer receives the wrong item, you'll generally need to accept the return. This is a good option for low-value items. As a buyer, for your transaction to be eligible for eBay Money Back Guarantee: As a seller, for transactions where eBay Money Back Guarantee applies: Eligible payment methods, excluded items, additional exclusions. If the item is returned used or damaged, you will no longer be able to give a refund to the buyer, even if you qualify to give partial refunds under our seller protections. The buyer requests a return in their My eBay and you'll be notified by email. - refund the buyer and let them keep the item (if it's not worth the time and money to process a return) To maintain that trust, we expect all members to treat each other with respect. Help for buyers and sellers. Buyer's expect returns. You can only decline a return if the buyer is returning the item because they changed their mind, and your return policy stated you don't accept returns. Select. If the buyer reports that the item arrived damaged or doesn't match the listing description, you'll see different options for responding to the return. You can also find more information in our full article below. This is the loophole. If you stated in the listing that you'll cover return shipping charges, choose how you'll arrange for the item to be returned. First his reason for the return was, "Item not working" and now it has changed to"Item not as described". You don't accept returns in your policy, and the buyer changed their mind about a purchase. As you may already know or will find out after watching this video that it simply doesnt matter. Once you've received the item, you have 2 business days to review and issue a refund, or ask eBay to step in and help. Accept the return:The buyer will send the item back to you for a full refund (this may or may not include the original shipping costs). The item was shipped and confirmed as delivered. If they've opened the return for another reason, for instance if they ordered the wrong item or changed their mind, then you aren't required to accept the return however, where possible we always suggest providing a great customer experience. If the item is returned used or damaged, you may qualify to issue a partial refund. They want to be like Amazon and just deal with wholesalers that import from overseas or high margin manufacturers that can sustain returns. To offer a replacement or alternate item: How to give a partial refund when the item is returned in a different condition. In that situation I take photos and videos and share that with the buyer before I take it to a FedEx Business center and ask for a receipt of the drop off. There are strong indicators that the item is counterfeit, The item arrived after the latest estimated delivery date. You can see it on the listing if it qualifies. document.write ("&loc=" + escape(window.location)); You've put 'seller' instead of 'buyer' a couple of times in your first paragraph. I just sell locally to avoid all shenanigans. Accept the return:The buyer will send the item back to you for a full refund, including the original shipping cost. If you respond to the request but don't come to an agreement with the buyer after 3 business days, you or the buyer can ask us to step in and help. document.write ("'><\/scr"+"ipt>"); Also a seller you are always going to have bad buyers here and there, its. We require all of the following to prove a successful return delivery: If the party responsible for return shipping does not use a tracked service that meets these requirements, a case may be decided against them if the returned item doesn't arrive. Both buyers and sellers must meet all applicable return requirements. document.write (document.charset ? If you don't respond to the return request, we may refund the buyer and seek reimbursement from you, without requiring the buyer to send . Sellers who misuse this feature may be subject to a range of actions, such as losing access to this or other site featuresor losing seller protections. In some cases, your response options may differ. This feature may not be used to recoup market losses on items returned in the same condition or recoup return postage and restocking fees. Read our article on, Need help with return shipping? Offer a partial refund:You'll issue a partial refund to the buyer, and they'll keep the item. If you and the buyer haven't been able to resolve the issue within 3 business days, we're always ready to step in and help. I agree it is very annoying they waited 23 days but they can claim they exhaustible try it to make it work and did not want to give up too fast. After 15 business days, if we don't see any indicators that the item is on its way back to you, we may close the return and protect you from negative feedback. Best practices for avoiding and handling issues with buyers, Your options for responding to a return request, Partial refund guidelines where the item is returned used or damaged, choose how you'll arrange for the item to be returned, How to give a partial refund after the item is returned. I also sent the manufacturers specifications which show compatibility. It may only be used to recoup losses when an item is returned used or damaged. If a buyer received the wrong item, it arrived damaged, or it doesn't match the listing description, the purchase is covered by the eBay Money Back Guarantee policy, they can return it to you, even if your return policy states that you don't accept returns.. See our page on, Would you like us to help with an open return request? eBay does not cover losses a buyer may sustain that are attributable to fluctuations in currency exchange rates applied to the refund by the buyer's bank, credit card issuer, or payment service provider. Buying on eBay is literally a licence to steal.. Ebay now excuses partial refund extortions by buyers. I report him immediately and call CSR. If the item is returned used or damaged, you will no longer be able to issue a refund to the buyer even if you qualify to issue partial refunds under ourseller protections. If the seller chooses to accept the return, this will then be treated as if they had offered returns in the listing. In some cases, if you haven't responded to the return request, we may issue a refund to the buyer and seek reimbursement from you without requiring the buyer to return the item. It's really gotten to the point of embarrassing on their part and they don't even realize it (or just don't care). And we had to let him. Also this makes the process require the buyer send the item back instead of filing a claim. document.write ("?zoneid=2"); For example, you may haveopted to automatically accept return requests. Please use this in a story so everyone knows. If the item is returned used, damaged, or missing parts, some sellers may deduct the loss in value from the amount refunded to the buyer. Give a full refund The buyer will receive a full refund, and they'll keep the item. Answer (1 of 15): You get a refund. - edited We've outlined yourresponse options below. But once . Simply put, your proof does not matter because they will make endless excuses about how it could be fake or not accurate. The itemwas collected by a third party on behalf of the buyer, Withdrawal of the items in your Collection when stored in the eBay vault. Offer a partial refund:You'll issue a partial refund to the buyer, and they'll keep the item. On the next page, enter your message and select, On the next page, enter your offer to replace or exchange the item and select. When a buyer opens a return request, the funds related to the sale may be put on hold. if (document.referrer) document.write ("&referer=" + escape(document.referrer)); If the seller sends funds to the buyer to pay for return shipping, the seller will not be refunded the amount by eBay even if the buyer chooses to not return the item. Proof that the buyer collected the item This feature may not be used to recoup market losses on items returned in the same conditionor to recoup return shipping and restocking fees. Many sellers have a no returns policy, which is perfectly VALID on Ebay, b/c their category gets a lot of returns for fit, changed mind, didn't like the color, etc. Please read the rules -, Press J to jump to the feed. Add a message to the buyer explaining why the refund wasn't full. var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999); Authenticity Guarantee purchases are covered by eBay Money Back Guarantee as detailed in this policy, with specific requirements and/or exclusions detailed below. Tip They say, Buyer beware but what about the sellers? eBay may automatically accept a return from a buyer on your behalf if an eBay postage label is available, and the request was made within the return window permitted by your policy. Choose the item above to start resolving a return. You accept returns in your policy and the buyer changed their mind about a purchase. For more information, see our, Any images added to a return request must be relevant to the return reason and comply with our, When there are strong indicators that the buyer received a counterfeit item, the buyer must cooperate with us to ensure proper disposal of the item, and must not sell the item on eBay or elsewhere, The recipient's address, showing at least the city/county or zip code (or international equivalent) that matches the seller's specified return address; and, Signature confirmation, on items with a total cost of $750 or more. Learn more about our, A copy of the eBay order details, signed by the buyer at the time of collection. and both eBay and Paypal would still side with them. When a buyer requests a return within the seller's return policy, the seller must allow them to return the item for a full refund. How do I know that he did not damage this item in the 20 plus days that it has been in his possession since purchasing it? I was pointing out to OP, that no returns is a valid return policy on Ebay, which many sellers have & as long as their item is truly SNAD, it's acceptable to file a SNAD, but that it is not acceptable as an end-run around the policy, b/c they don't like the color, fit, etc. 04-18-2022 If asked to step in tohelp, we may ask the buyer to return the item to you if any of the following apply: If we're asked to step in and help, you will no longer be able to issue a refund even if you qualify to issue partial refunds under our seller protections.
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