Box 4 causes more confusion that any other part of the Form 1 Application. That means if there is a problem with your Form 1, the ATF will reject it and youll have to start all over. eForms applications used to be approved much faster than paper applications, but that is no longer the case. 3i. Box, but youre still going to need to show where you live so that the ATF can come to inspect your gun or suppressor if they so desire. Rules of Behavior for ATFs eForms System - Must be Accepted Every 12 Months. The Serial Number needs to be at least 4 digits long and must contain at least one number. This is your race. You will be hooked and will definitely get another NFA item in the future, trust me. If you have a trust, you can add people to the trust, friends, family, whoever, and they will be able to use it without you needing to be there. Photograph. 4d. Note: Multi-cal is not an acceptable caliber. The ATF defines "Caliber" as the diameter of the projectile. This site will have something for everybody! That means he needs to enter the CLEO info for an agency with jurisdiction over his ranch. For a complete explanation of Responsible Persons, you can click on this link to our article titled: Who is a Responsible Person. But we assure you that simply isnt the case. Its one page with the address to mail your fingerprints along with some info about you and your item. Please do not include any confidential or sensitive information in a contact form, text message, or voicemail. While you're there order some of the publications for giggles. Fingerprint cards (FBI Form FD-258). [5] If you are going to keep your firearm at more than one place, enter the address of the place where you will keep the firearm most of the time. NFA firearms include SBRs, heavy weapons, explosive ordnance, and suppressors or silencers. If you dont want to use a Model name, just enter: NONE. You can find our walk-through guides for these forms below. In your letter, include fingerprint cards (special instructions from the ATF are here) and photographs, as well as personal information: full legal name, position, social security number, home address (including addresses the person has had for the last five years), country of citizenship, place of birth (city and state or foreign country), date of birth, race and ethnicity, sex, and home telephone number. The truth of the matter is that we are, (FYI: We are about 99% sure that theoryish isnt actually a word. But, as we will demonstrate time and again, the info on the Form 1 is often inaccurate or incomplete. The wait for ATF Form 1 approval is typically between one and two months with most submissions reporting a turn around of 30 to 40 days. Neckbone Armory is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Please read all instructions on this form before submitting it to ATF. 3b. John says that adding a 2nd upper receiver is "kinda like a toofer! 2x2 photograph is affixed here with tape. John likes the idea of building an SBR. If you are submitting your Form 1 as an Individual, you will simply sign, print, & date: Or, if you are submitting your Form 1 Application as a Corporation, you will enter you name & title (Member, Partner, Officer, Director, Owner, etc.) Listen We try hard to keep our articles (like this one) from being giant "Buy a Trust Shop NFA Gun Trust" ads. Plus, having a trust lets you share ownership of the NFA items. If anything doesnt apply to you, simply enter N/A. [28] Instead, you (and all of the other Responsible Persons in your trust, corp, etc.) You will need to repeat that step for everyone on the trust. and the date. This happens all the time, but some people experience this SNAFU more often than others. Select Other Legal Entity if you are applying as a LLC, LLP, LTD, or other non-incorporated company. We accept Bitcoin. Remember: You are only building from scratch if there arent any Serial Numbers on the frame or lower receiver you are using. But, the Type (4b. For example, I ordered a few personal firearms records and the NFA Branch brochure while says that their goal is to process applications inside 90 days! According to the ATF, the CLEO can be the Chief of Police, the Sheriff, the Head of the State Police, or a State or local district attorney or prosecutor.[27]. As if legislation wasnt hard enough to understand, sometimes the ATF is forced to interpret laws that were left vague. 3f. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. If you want to give your new firearm an additional Model name, you will enter the existing Model Name in Box 4d., then enter the new Model Name in Box 4h. Ethnicity. Before you start tossing stuff in the mail, there are some things you need to do: If you are submitting your Form 1 as a Trust, Corporation, or Other Legal Entity, all of the Responsible Persons need to fill out two copies of the Form 23 (National Firearms ACT Responsible Person Questionnaire). Enter the Trust Name and address from the Form 1, 4, or 5. The ATF may contact any responsible person at any time and all responsible persons are expected to comply. Additionally, you get access to all of our other ATF Forms, as well as all gun trust forms. Remember, unless you have a Federal Firearm License, you cant lawfully start building your firearm or suppressor. Hi my name is Neckbone and I started this site because I love firearms and shooting sports. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Additionally, because he is building the SBR from scratch, John will need to create a Model and Serial Number for the gun. The form should be already digitally signed as well. Item 3e - Photograph: The responsible person shall attach, in item 3e on the ATF copy of the form only, a 2-inch by 2-inch frontal view photograph taken within one year prior to the date of the filing of the form. "10". Hmmm?? Most people use a few letters followed by "001" for their first firearm, then "002" for the 2nd, and so on. Certification. Item 3- Responsible Person information. . If you are filling out your ATF Form 1in conjunction with this form, you can visit our ATF Form 1walk-through guide here. If you are an alien, record your U.S.-Issued Alien or Admission Number you will enter that here. If you are filing for ATF Tax Stamp as an individual, then you will not need to fill out this form. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This error occurs when you apply thesame date that your .EFTFile wascreated. Complete Guide. Is where information on the firearm is provided 4E is not submitted to the CLEO like with 3E. But another acceptable answer is "Investment and all other lawful purposes.". Order fingerprint cards for free from here: ATF fingerprint card order form. Having a clear and concise ATF Form 5320.23 helps the ATF enter the information when the ATF Form 5320.23 application is received. They added some fields, revised some fields, and moved some other fields to new locations. If you are an alien, record your U.S.-Issued Alien or Admission Number you will enter that here. Mike Smith, Trustee. Email Address. All Responsible Persons must be listed on this page and their 5320.23 forms uploaded using the 'Choose File' button seen below. And, as previously indicated, John has a wife named Judy that says: "No person in their right mind needs such a butt-load of guns!" Start of the ATF Form 23 Application - Page 1, ATF Form 23 - Page 1 - Gun Trust Applicant. If you are building a firearm from scratch, you can use any Model name you want. if you dont live inside a County, Parish, or Borough? He is an avid outdoorsman and frequently spends his weekends hunting at his ranch in El Paso, Texas. John wants to convert his Colt M4 Carbine into a Short Barreled Rifle (SBR). Click next until you reach the Applicant page. Quick question: Does anyone know what "Diners Club" is? If purchasing with a NFA Gun trust, you will write the name of the settlor and trustee after that, i.e. You can learn more about Bitcoin here. Highlighted in orange below are the only sections of the fingerprint card that need to be filled, out along with the prints section. Satellite office with limited services and hours. You canbuy the FBI Form FD-258'sPaper Fingerprinting PacketHere. The information in this article is for informational purposes only. However, this information assists with theefficient completion of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) background check. 1st, send a letter to the ATF informing them that the letter "g" was, in fact, available. The SSN and UPIN are not required. As I noted here, many NFA dealers are planning to offer in-store fingerprinting so you should check with your local gun store. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. 3. Basically make sure you roll your finger in the top two rows and press in the bottom row. Instead of paying the application fee every time your business makes a change (which can be quite burdensome, depending on your FFL type), you can write to the ATF detailing your requested adjustments. We walk you through the entire process. Do not use slang here. Please complete item 17.". 1. 3b. Enter a phone number where the ATF can contact you if they have questions about your application. The first 2 pages to to the ATF and the second copy without the picture and serial number are sent to the local CLEO. Pay close attention, as this is where many people screw up. You will be brought to the eFile main page. However, he doesnt like the idea of sacrificing his M4 to do it. On the RP questionnaire, in spot 4b-4e, do I list Century's info and what's found on the gun? Choose people who have a vested interest in seeing your business succeed and are willing to take steps to ensure the preservation of your federal firearms license. } else { Serial Number If you are modifying a firearm, you are required to use the Serial Number that is already engraved on the firearm. In the lines that ask about your FFL and SOT, you are more than likely going to write in N/A (not applicable). Save your User ID, password, and secret question info somewhere. What is a responsible person ATF? And, if you want to take your own prints,[35] we have all of the supplies you need. Call Us 24 Hrs a Day at: (904) 866-4228 or (877) 7GUN-LAW, We respect your privacy and will not share or sell your information. [32] The three copies are the ATF Copy, the ATF Copy 2 To Be Returned To Registrant, and the CLEO Copy. Trust us He has! 3c. Information located within this article isan original guide created by National Gun Trusts and not to be cited or used without the written permission of National Gun Trusts. The state field should be automatically generated from the zip code. You will get a filled out CLEO form emailed to you later after the eFile. Type of Destructive Device This is hands-down the stupidest and most poorly worded question on the Form 1 Application (and that is saying something). They will shoot your dog. If you arent paying with a credit/debit card, do not sign Box 20. Enter the Trust Name and address from the Form 1, 4, or 5. This is your race. In Example #5 John is going to store his SBR at the ranch in El Paso, Texas. But do we have an answer yet? We seek to expand general understanding of the laws collectively referred to as the National Firearms Act and their implications for gun owners and citizens of today. 7. Please complete item 20", "Always select Box 1.a., as Boxes b. Any other aliases that you use. If you are applying as a Corporation or Other Legal Entity, you will complete Boxes 18 & 19 the same as a trust. During the FFL application review, ATF investigators make sure there you have included everyone who should be. Weve created more than 10,000 Form 1 Applications for our customers, with All Lawful Purposes entered as the reason for making the firearm, so we suggest sticking with that. You will need to find out who the CLEO (chief law enforcement officer) for your county and enter their departments name, name and title of the official and the agency or department's address. This is also where you upload the Jpeg Photo under 3mb in size. Register with the ATF eForms here: This is also the same page you log in to your account and start the eFile in a later step. Select ATF Form 1 from the list to continue. 3f. We advise paying by check, as this method allows you to track the progress of your application by seeing when your check was cashed. It all depends on what you are going to build. The SSN and UPIN are not required. Screen 1B: Form 5320.1 Intended Use of Form: Enter the name of the County, Parish, or Borough where you live. So dont be a dork and sign your name with a pencil. End of the ATF Form 23 Application - Page 1, Start of the ATF Form 23 Application - Page 2. Video Walk-Through Guides Below: . Therefore, we hereby declare the DOB box shall henceforth be referred to as Box 13b. Seeing as how item 17 is about UPINs, its safe to say we found our first mistake. Your financial officer may have managerial powers, but since he doesnt deal with firearm sales, he isnt required to be listed as a responsible person. (If that were the case, some companies would have hundreds of people listed on their application.). From there, its a breeze. Note 3E is only for the ATF version and not the copy for the CLEO notification. How to fill out an ATF Form 23 ( 5320.23) for a Gun Trust. In fact, just this morning we were watching a video where this donkey and a umm never mind. Firearm Serial Number. Businesses that have multiple stores or a significant online presence often employ a compliance office who might be listed as a responsible person.. If, and only if you are building a destructive device, you need to indicate whether the destructive device is a Firearm or an Explosive. If you are submitting your application as a trust, corp, etc., you can skip down to Box 18. Except there isnt a definition for Types of NFA Firearms. I don't have a printer scanner, but have adobe pro so could do this all pretty easily if they take e signature. [7] [8]. On the CLEO page you just need to enter all the same CLEO info that you already have on your saved Responsible Person form on your computer. you would complete Boxes 7-9 like this example. 8. The best way to protect yourself and your business is to be as educated as possible. I just used the same passport photo that was on my responsible party form that I scanned onto the computer. National Firearms Act (NFA) Responsible Person Questionnaire - Fillable .PDF ATF Form 5320.23 Filling out the ATF Form 5320.23 with the Fillable .PDF version is the easiest way to create an accurate ATF Form 5320.23. b. If you have a UPIN, you will select the "Yes" box and included your UPIN Number. The codes that must be used for sex, race, eye, and hair color are listed below. Every Responsible Person needs to submit 2 FBI Form FD-258 Fingerprint Cards. This form is to be used in conjunction with the ATF 5320.1Application to Make and Register a FirearmForm,ATF 5320.4Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm Form, or the ATF 5320.5Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm Formand is only to be used when registering a NFA firearm with a NFA Gun Trust or as a legal entity/corporation. The directions say: "(if paying by credit/debit card, complete the sections below)". Only $49 - Get your Gun Trust Now Absentee owners are another example; their general managers would be considered responsible. Download ATF Form 5320.23. Filled out ATF Form 5320.23. [24] [25], 4k. Certification Apparently one signature just wasnt enough. The ATF Form 5320.23 - Responsible Person Questionnaire form is to be used in conjunction with the ATF Form 1, ATF Form 4, and the ATF Form 5, if you are applying for a tax stamp with a NFA Gun Trust. 9c. Please be aware that refusal to provide this informationmay result in a delay in the NICS background check process.". Neckbone Armory also participates in affiliate programs with Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, and other sites. Your SSN number is not required but they say it helps get your stamp quicker. Use .223 cal or 5.56 MM. Instead of the paper Form 1 Application, you can go to the ATF eForms website and try your luck with an electronic Form 1 Application. Tax Paid., Next comes the section where you choose between an individual and the representative of a company or gun trust. 9c. If you are one of those people that will have a panic attack if you dont get to enter "300 AAC Blackout" somewhere on your Form 1 Application, you can add it to Box 4h. For example, John could enter: El Paso Police Department*El Paso County Sheriffs OfficeEl Paso County District Attorneys OfficeTexas Department of Public SafetyUnited States Attorneys Office for the Western District of Texas, * John can only use the El Paso Police Department as the CLEO if his ranch is located within the city limits of El Paso, Boxes 11-17This is where individual applicants enter their background information. 4d. 2x2 photograph is affixed here with a paper clip. If you don't have a UPIN, select "No" for this question. The ATF prefers that you list multiple people on the license. Do not use .338 Lapua. You have all the stuff ready to go in a folder on the computer; the trust pdf, the responsible person pdf, the photo, you registered for eForms, and your 2 fingerprint cards are filled out and ready to go. End of the ATF Form 23 Application - Page 1, Start of the ATF Form 23 Application - Page 2, ATF Form 23 - Page 2 - Gun Trust Applicant. Box 4c - Caliber or Gauge Enter either the Caliber or Gauge in this field. Start of the ATF Form 23 Application - Page 1. var x = document.getElementById("myTopnav2"); In many cases, its safer to assign more responsible persons than you feel are necessary for your business, just in case theres a problem. Just answer each of the questions by placing a checkmark in either the "Yes" or "No" column. They will shoot your dog. Definitely dont start drilling or combining parts in any way that can be considered intent to manufacture. So even if you are going to use a stripped lower receiver to build your SBR, if there is a SN engraved on the stripped lower, it is considered a firearm. Common titles include: Settlor, Manager, Member, Partner, President, Officer, Director, and Owner, but there are many other possible titles. Use all black ink as stated at the top of the fingerprint cards and make sure the following boxes are filled out. You will have to be present anytime and everywhere that suppressor is used. AR, USCIS, or I-9A Number. 4a. Employees come and go. For example, the term "responsible person" has been defined, and certain provisions have made it easier to handle NFA firearms in the estate of a deceased person. Businesses change all the time. Oh well Moving on. This is the country that you were born in and might be differentthanquestion 9a. There are some circumstances where the business owner wouldnt be listed as a responsible person on the FFL. Common Causes and What Can be Done to Prevent It, Why a Glock Will Stovepipe: Failure to Eject Issues Resolved, Which Revolver Is Most Powerful? But we would be remiss to not point out that applying as a Corporation or Other Legal Entity is a terrible idea. I had to google this info for my county. You will need to find out who the CLEO (chief law enforcement officer) for your county and enter their departments name, name and title of the official and the agency or department's address. 15f2. 3. The only things that are different about this copy of the application are Box 13 (SSN) & Box 20 (payment info), which are both obscured. But as Model names are optional (on firearms built from scratch), John could have entered "NONE" if he didnt want to use a Model name. Youll end up with two prints for each finger on both hands, one rolled and one pressed. Country of Birth. ATF 5320.1Application to Make and Register a FirearmForm, ATF 5320.4Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm Form, ATF 5320.5Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm Form. Telephone. How to guide and walk-through guide for the ATF Form 5320.23 ATF 5320.23 ResponsiblePersonQuestionnaire. An individual who has the power to direct the management and policies of the applicant pertaining to explosive materials. This is the type of firearm you are applying for: Short-barreled rifle, short-barreled shotgun, silencer, machine gun, AOW, destructive device. Responsible Person's Questions. A passport-quality photograph of yourself will need to be provided with the form, as well. Companies are bought and sold. Ive seen people go ahead and get their tube engraved with the serial number while they wait, but Im not sure how allowed that is. As an individual filling out the form, you will need to attach an additional sheet of paper that provides any further details requested from Form 1. ATF E-Form 1 (5320.1) Revised November 2018. Other names used. These answers will very and similar to the ATF Form 4473 questions. If you are filling out your ATF Form 1in conjunction with this form, you can visit our ATF Form 1walk-through guide here. This is statethat you were born in. Regardless, if you are a citizen of the Red, White, & Blue, check the box next to "United States of America." Lets cut to the chase and get straight to the answer. And while he sat there feeling low, debating the pros and cons of defying his wife, John had an epiphany. Last week, John and his buddy Jim Bob were 1/2 way through their 2nd case of beer, when Jim Bob offered to sell John his SBR. That means you cant just make 2 photocopies of the ATF Copy. (Serial Number), the "for the use of the ATF" section at the bottom of Page 2, and Box 12 (Photograph). One of the most commonly misunderstood terms in firearm sales is the responsible person. The ATF adjusted their definition of this term back in 2013, so even if youve heard it before, you should revisit it. Because hell only be using the SBR when he is at the ranch (which is nearly every weekend), and because Jane caught him filling out a Form 1 Application (meaning he will likely be at the ranch on a more permanent basis), John decides the SBR should stay at the ranch full-time. A success pop-up will appear. Thisis yourUnique Personal Identification Number (UPIN). There are some directions on the Form 1 Application, but most of them dont make any sense.Many of the boxes have individual directions, but they are often contradictory to the directions at the end of the form. This form is to be used in conjunction with the ATF 5320.1Application to Make and Register a FirearmForm,ATF 5320.4Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm Form, or the ATF 5320.5Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm Formand is only to be used when registering a NFA firearm with a NFA Gun Trust or as a legal entity/corporation. The following CLEO notification must also be completed. Committed to a mental institution. Even though the directions quite literally tell you (in a ridiculously round-about way) to enter Firearm as the Type of Firearm to be made, we say thats probably not a good idea. If you arent sure who should be a responsible person or who must be, you should speak to an attorney who deals regularly with federal firearms licenses. This is where you upload the Form 5320.23 Responsible Person form that you have already filled out and saved on your computer. 4b. Note: The below walk-through guide is for the September, 2019 update of the ATF 5320.23form and is the most current ATF 5320.23 form. But for the most part, the Form 23 is the same as the questions you skipped on the Form 1 (Boxes 11-17). Commonlyreferred to ATFForm 23. They give you little 22 photos for a few bucks each. FBI Form FD-258'sPaper Fingerprint Cards can be ordered from the ATF here for Free. After successfully submitting your form 1, you will get an email containing your CLEO docs. Additionally, depending on which type of applicant you are (Individual, Trust, Corp, etc. According to the ATF, a Responsible Person is anyone that "Possesses the power to receive, ship, transport, deliver, transfer or otherwise dispose of a firearm."
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